Open Call: x/y – A Junk Drawer of Trans Voices

Happy Thursday, Everyone!

I hope that you are having a great week. I just wanted to give you a heads up on a writing opportunity for any of you authors out there who identify as trans or are questioning your gender!

A friend of mine has been invited on as a guest editor for the next issue of x/y: a junk drawer of trans voices by The Dionysian Public Library. You can see more information about the open call in his Instagram post below, but I am including the info further on in this post as well.

QUICK NOTE: Deadline has been extended to July 14, 2024

x/y: a junk drawer of trans voices

The true genesis of the project that would eventually become DPL, x/y was a zine that ran from 2018-2020, providing a platform for trans and gender-diverse artists to share their work, be it poetry, prose, visual art, or anything else that could conceivably be reproduced in a printed form. Rebooted in 2023 with new numbering, x/y is open to anyone who identifies as trans (or to those who are seeking a platform to explore their relationship to gender but aren’t quite sure how they identify). Don’t be afraid to send us your weirdest, most challenging work, and interpret the theme however you wish; we are not interested merely in neat and tidy trans stories about representation and empowerment, but in representing the totality of the trans experience, scars and all. Though we are not currently able to pay for submissions for x/y, we hope to see this change for future issues. For now, you will receive both a contributor’s copy of the zine and a printable PDF so that you can print as many copies as you want.

General Submission Guidelines

Prose, poetry, and other written work should be submitted as either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Prose should be formatted in something approaching Shunn Manuscript Format, though deviations from this format will not disqualify you. After all, who are we to tell you what to do with your work. We have no guidelines or restrictions on content, and in fact hope to see your most challenging work, should you trust us with it. Other than that, we’re pretty loosey-goosey with what we’re hoping to see.

Please send your work to, including your name, a few details about your piece, and a short third-person bio with any relevant social media links. Simultaneous and multiple submissions welcomed. 

I hope you have a great rest of your day!

Ashley Nestler, MSW

CEO of The Horror Maven

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